Tuesday 10 December 2019

Was my marriage a Fraud?(Explaining Immigration process, continued...)

Continued from Did i get married Just to stay in the United States?(Explaining Immigration process)

After few months of waiting we finally received a letter in the mail announcing that our interview is on the 03rd December, we were instructed to appear in person for the interview and bring supporting documents (on top of the documents we already submitted with the main application). I also went to the Homeland Department for a Biometrics exam(background check to see if I’m a runaway South African criminal mastermind😏, which I’m not!  or if I’ve committed any crimes in my stay in the U.S)

My husband and I spent a lot of time trying to gather all the documents we could that shows that our marriage is real. This included a copy of our lease for the house we live in, copy of his pay stubs/pay slips, Copy of his employment contract, Tax documents, medical insurance records that shows I am on his health insurance, Life insurance document, Letters (from our Pastor, my previous employer, my friends, etc. to testify that they are aware of our existing relationship as a married couple). We even included Boarding passes from the months we flew back and forth to our different cities while we were still dating (It was long distance😭).

On top of gathering documents our lawyer gave us 66 potential questions they might ask during the interview. Basically what they want to see is if indeed you are married to each other and live in the same household; you would have common answers to these questions..questions like; Where did you meet?, Who gets up first in the morning, What are your spouse's hobbies, where does your spouse work, what is their favourite food, Does your spouse have any siblings (if so, what are their names), did you have a wedding ceremony, who attended your wedding ceremony, did you go on honeymoon, describe the last holiday you spent together, etc. we had to make sure our answers were similar in all the questions but it was not difficult to do so as we have only been married for 6 months.

The day before the interview we drove to and slept at a hotel near the Department of Homeland security which was about 2 1/2 hours away from our house. We went to the interview the following afternoon expecting a lot of questions but the interviewing officer only asked us "How did y'all meet?", my husband replied and then the officer proceeded to ask us to verify our names, dates of birth and address. Since there was already strong evidence that our marriage was not done for the sake of a greencard our officer didn't waste time.  He asked me Security questions as listed on the pic below (to which I replied "No sir") then he told us that our case was approved. We received my greencard in the mail today. Soli Deo Gloria.
Image obtained from: https://mypathtocitizenship.com

2 lessons I took from this:
1. Always abide by the Law
2. Hire an Immigration Lawyer!!!! (Don’t try to be a hero). Having. Lawyer file on our behalf made our case stronger (perhaps because most immigration lawyers don’t often risk their Licenses in order to help clients with questionable cases....)

I Praise God for the opportunity to be happily married and live in this beautiful country😄

Thanks for coming to my TedX 🙏

Did I get married just to stay in the United States?(Explaining How U.S Immigration works)

About a week ago I posted a status on Facebook announcing that my husband and I passed our marriage interview which makes me a greencard holder/permanent resident of the United States of America. There were many "congratulations" written under the status yet there was one person who commented "No malelwa zwone?" (Is that why you got married?). Even though few weeks before we went to the interview my sister had told me someone we both know had made a similar remark to her saying "your sister got married for citizenship" the comment on Facebook stung even more as I began to realise that there might be more people with similar assumptions, after all growing up in South Africa we often heard stories of illegal immigrants who paid&married their way into South African Residency and some people do it here in the U.S as well. I guess it's not fun when you are the one being accused hence decided to write this blog, not because i'm angry at anyone who has assumptions but just to shed some light on the immigration process I went through.

In May 2018 I entered the U.S on a non-immigrant 1 year visa which I obtained at the Consulate General of USA in Sandton, Johannesburg. This means at the U.S port of entry (John F. Kennedy Airport, New York) the immigration officer interviewed me and I was compliant and showed all the appropriate documentation (they detain you or revoke your visa if they feel you are acting suspiciously). I was allowed to be in the country for only 12 months (in the first few months there were times i'd considered going back to South Africa for good or going somewhere else). Fast forward few months later I met the most amazing man, fell in love, got engaged, planned to wed shortly and that's when the reality of how difficult it is to remain in the country hit me. Few hours after we got engaged we went to a coffee shop to map out our immigration options. We had either the option of filing our own paperwork or to hire a lawyer to do the paperwork for us. My husband saw it best we hire a lawyer, at the time I thought it was too expensive (thank God we were able to afford it, it was the best option).

The Immigration process in the U.S is expensive- it costs a lot of time and money, things that we were willing to spend in order to remain in the same place. Before we got married The Lawyer and her team sent us an online questionnaire for both of us to fill in order for her to fill the forms required by Homeland security. We were engaged for only three weeks and got married the day before my Visa expired which meant our Lawyer had to file our case within 30 days "grace" period (this is an additional month an alien is given to leave the United States without overstaying their visa). If there is one thing that I love about America is that they DON'T PLAY when it comes to their Laws. Overstaying a Visa is a punishable crime which may lead to Jail time, fine, aggressive deportation and a 10 year ban from entering the United States.
Our Lawyer was to file our paperwork within that 30 days. By the time she filed we had already been married for over a month and I was not considered an "illegal immigrant" even though I jokingly referred to myself as one. Spouses of U.S Citizens are considered "immediate relative" of a U.S Citizen and thus have special immigration privileges.
Documents we had to submit with our application:
 1. Proof of financial sponsorship-to show that you are not gonna depend on social grant to live in the country (Garrett was my sponsor, my father-in-Law was a co-sponsor)
2. Original Long form birth certificates (My mother had to go apply for one at Home affairs in Sibasa, Limpopo which took a long time to be issues since the long form birth certificate lists both parents names, dates of birth and places of birth)
3. Photos showing our relationship is legit (we submitted photos documenting our lives as dating&married couple, photos with family members, etc)
4. Copy of my I-94 form which is a document you get online to show dates of your previous entry and re-entry into the U.S. 
5. Multiple forms which our lawyer filled for us
6. Marriage Certificate
7. Sealed medical results; I had to do a full body medical exam with an immigration doctor(You pay for the exam out of your pocket)

After our case was submitted we now had to wait for immigration to issue us a date for our marriage interview (this is where you go to the nearest Homeland security department with your U.S Citizen spouse for an in- person interview, they basically want to see if your marriage is bona fide or a scam).
While we waited for the interview date (which we were told could be anywhere between  6 months to 2 years from the date of filling) it meant during that time I was not allowed to;

1. Leave the country (I'd have to re-Do the application from South Africa which would have taken even longer.... I can't imagine the horror of me and Garrett married&living in different parts of the world). I still can't travel yet without a Travel authorization (which we don't know when it will be issued....please stop asking when are we visiting South Africa?We want to...but we can't yet😢
2. Work. Even though I am a homemaker by choice (see my YouTube video Story time: I am a housewife ) I was not allowed to work without the greencard. 
3. Get an American ID: which meant I couldn't drive anymore (I was able to drive for 12 months prior using an International Driver's permit issued by AA in South Africa, it endorses my South African driver's license for up to a year)


Friday 13 September 2019

Few thoughts about my fathers.........

"The death of a beloved is an amputation"-C.S Lewis

15 years ago my father lost his life to Cerebral Malaria. Even though at one point as a little girl I mistook him for Superman (I sincerely believed he could anything, he was strong, protective, caring,etc.) that belief changed in September 2004 when he suddenly fell ill then passed on within a week of being hospitalized. At at the beginning of September every year I am usually feeling glum because of what this month represents i.e My father's birthday, almost anniversary of his death, my birthday and the month I ever saw my entire extended family in the same room. All the good and bad memories often come flooding back.
Here are some thoughts going through my mind this month:

Time heals wounds, but slowly
 I was 13 years old when my father died which means now I have been without him longer than I was with him. His passing came as a shock to me and everyone else who knew him, it made me afraid as a child having to learn to live without a father. Although I am not paralyzed by the loss anymore I often imagine what life would be like with him. It's in the big moments when I am feeling sad or happy that I wonder how life would have been like if he was still around. The pain of seeing my mother exhausted by juggling household responsibilities and trying to provide financially for all her children always made me wish my dad was still around. 

Jameson of all trades
One of my favourite things about my father was his work ethic.  He was hard-working and always had an interest in business/economics. Although he was a Teacher by profession He had other multiple streams of income e.g Video production, Bricklaying, Sand&Gravel enterprise, selling bundled firewood and many others. I admired how he used his profits and earnings to look after his family, relatives and many people in the community. 

The last advice he gave me
I remember finding him sitting in front of a fire-pit 3 months before he passed, he advised me to finish school, go to a good Medical School and become a productive member of society. Even though I didn't go into the Medical field as he always aspired, I did take his lesson about not being unproductive. 

His last birthday with us: He would be 55 Today
Yesterday(12 September) would have been his birthday. My family never celebrated birthdays with Parties and lots of cake (we only celebrated achievements, being expelled from a birth canal was not considered one of them. JUST KIDDING. There were too many kids in our house 😂). 2004 was different, we had a small birthday party in our living room to celebrate 
my dad and his brother turning the big 40. It was a happy evening with close family friends, 
speeches and we sang the song "We are one...One big family!"(anyone remembers?)...little did
we know that would be the last Jolly time we are celebrating with my father in our midst.

 The men who played a fatherly role
Any child growing up in an African society knows that a person does not only belong to their immediate family but to the entire community. Even though my biological dad is not alive, there were other men in our close knit communities who stepped up to keep an eye on my family. Thankful for the men who became good role models and father figures to me and especially to my brothers. I'm mostly thankful for my mom who never prevented her children looking up to good father figures as role models because as a  mother she couldn't replicate that unique relationship.  

 My dad's fraternal twin brother
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you my dear Uncle, Mr S. Sigama. I can imagine how hard it must be to celebrate your Birthdays without the person you shared a womb with. 
 Even thought It was hard to believe those two were twin brothers as they looked and mostly acted nothing alike, their bond was tight. My uncle's home is only 5 houses from ours(can be seen from the main gate). My siblings and I grew up knowing that his house is our other home, we relate to our cousins as if they are our siblings. 

My father-In-Law
One of the ways God has been truly gracious to me is giving me this wounderful guy as a father-in-Law. Before I met him in person I knew how kind and caring he is by the way my husband spoke about him. Thank you Mark, for not only raising my husband in the way of the Lord but also welcoming me so warmly as part of your family. I am learning everyday what it looks like to live one's life to the glory of God-your love for Jesus and neighbour is something I aspire to imitate (glad we can have theological discussions too). 

 A perfect father in heaven
''See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God!''(1 John 3:1)
Though I had struggled with the grief of losing my father  for a long time, When I became a Christian few years ago I started enjoying the privilege of being a child of God, being adopted into his family. I'm grateful to the Lord for good earthly fathers but the joy I experience in knowing God as my heavenly father is far greater than any blissful moment I had with my earthly father(s).

Wednesday 14 August 2019

Bewitched by False Doctrine: 5 Lies I embraced in a prosperity gospel church

(Testimony by Gudani Johnson)
Did you know that I was once DEAD in my sins?

well, Seven years ago (2012) I began to truly live, God had mercy on me when he rescued me from my sin and eternal death(which would have been the fitting punishment had I continued on the path I was on). Today as I look back I not only celebrate the fact that he has delivered me from the dominion of darkness into the kingdom of the Son he loves, I also celebrate that he delivered me from Deception i.e following false teachers and embracing their false teachings which would have had deadly consequences.
 Most people I went to high school thought of me as the "morally upright" student and I thought myself as a follower of Jesus because I was never much involved in any of the stuff that kids my age were up to, I was always the church girl who went to "church" every Sunday, when I wasn't studying for a test or exam I was gallivanting around the town/city trying to attend any church gathering I could. On the outside I was a hard-working student who seemed to love the Lord and has it all together but on the inside I was rotting away, chained to the love for approval, consumed by the desire to get wealthy/successful academically. I didn't see my need for repentance because how could I if I already considered myself to be a good person?...

I never cared much about who Jesus is and what he has done, the church I was attending advertised him as the man who could fulfil all my dreams(AKA a genie) so I labelled myself a Christian and went to church in order to have my desires met......after all isn't the whole point of being a Christian delighting in the Lord so that he gives us ALL the desires of our hearts...?(I was in error until God opened my eyes in 2012 when I attended a Bible study where the Bible was opened and his word faithfully taught)

Over the last couple of years as a University student and women's worker at a small church I have had the privilege of witnessing some people repent of their sins, coming to faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, embracing the truth found in his word  and learning to love the Jesus of scripture (any other Jesus you embrace that is not the one whom the scriptures write about is a figment of your own imagination, he does not save, he does not give eternal life, he is simply not real). I also have the heart to see others come to know the truth.  Here are 5 prosperity sermons my ex-church taught(I'll leave it up to you to hunt for the church name)
Loudly Crying Face on Apple iOS 12.2

5. Get rich quick by sowing a monetary seed

I was taught over and over again that if I wanted to become wealthy then I needed to give some money to the church and watch "God" give me more money.  There is nothing particularly wrong with being rich( e.g Job was a blessed man, he owned 7 thousand sheep, 3000 camels, lots of servants,etc yet he loved God and showed concern for the poor, widows and others in need, he was a good steward of all the wealth the Lord had entrusted to him)

The bible teaches us to work to make a living and not be lazy and to avoid foolish or sinful waste of money, what it  does not promise or teach is for us to pursue and expect material abundance as a reward for serving God and then use that money to enrich ourselves. Read Matthew 19:23-30 and see what Jesus says about wealth....

Why are many Pastors encouraging you to pursue the very thing that the Bible says would destroy your soul? (1 Timothy 6:6-10)

4. You deserve to be Healthy!(as long as you have faith)

No one (believer or unbeliever) wants to be ill nor do we want to see our loved ones suffering from illnesses. 15 years ago my father died of Cerebral Malaria and for some time I believed he didn't have enough faith in God to heal him hence he died, this is NOT something I picked up from scripture, this is something I was taught in "Church", that if you want God to heal you, you must possess a big faith. When I started reading the Bible few years ago only then I began to discover that even those who believe in God (e.g Job, Paul, Epaphroditus, etc) struggled with physical illness because of the reality that we still live in a sinful world and we are still subject to death which will be defeated when Jesus returns. "He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death' or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away"(Rev 21:4)

3. "You too can become a celebrity"

you would think since we live in a celebrity-worshiping culture, the so called "Men of God" would be preaching and emphasizing Jesus's call for us to deny ourselves, pick up our cross and follow him. The church I went to once had a guest preacher speak on this title and in many occasions they encouraged our congregation to pursue our dreams (I wanted to be a Journalist and film-maker one day) in order to be the most famous person in whatever profession we choose. Nothing wrong with working hard to the glory of God but we are not called to be famous, to get people's applause, to be joined with the rich&famous, we are called to be committed followers of Jesus even if it means forfeiting all the world's riches and fame...we gain our soul. Jesus was not a celebrity, he never wanted to be treated like one. He came to lay down his life as a ransom for many. 

Read Luke 4:1-13 and see how Jesus responds to Satan's temptations, he left us an example to follow. The temptation to disobey God and cling to other gods(money, fame, status,etc) is real for all people everywhere but we can resist Satan's schemes by running to God and listening to his word. 

2. "Your season of elevation/promotion is coming!"

If you have never been exposed to a prosperity gospel church/preacher PRAISE GOD!!!, some of us have had false teachings as a staple diet for long, if you turn on TBN or listen to some contemporary preacher on YouTube you are almost guaranteed to hear this statement "Your season of elevation is coming, your promotion and deliverance is on the way!". The bible does have wounderful promises for believers (and God does meet our physical and material needs) but the point is that Jesus meets the deepest longings of our hearts, he meets our most important need (to have our sins forgiven), he gives us many other spiritual blessings (i.e to have our we are adopted as God's children&forever in a restored relationship with him,etc)  

One particular verse I used to butcher out of context is Jeremiah 29:11 

 Jeremiah 29:11 (for I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. ) was a prophecy meant for the Israelites who were in exile(a punishment from God as result of their disobedience). God told them they were gonna have to stay, seek prosperity and peace and even pray for the city of Babylon that had enslaved them. And on top of that these promise in verse 11 would only be fulfilled after 70 years (possibly none of their current generation would return home), How do you think the Israelites felt at that point?even with the promise of future relief?

Whether we are offered relief from our illnesses, troubles or afflictions we are to persevere joyfully knowing that Jesus will return and set all things right, Satan will be banished, sin&death finally defeated and we will together with God in the most Holy place
(Romans 8:18, Revelation 21:3)

1.  The Bible is all about ME

The main belief I picked up when I was still deceived by prosperity theology is that the Bible is about me in such a way that Jesus was only a means to an end- to get all my dreams fulfilled. It was never about Jesus-who he is, his plan of salvation and how we ought to respond to his character&deeds. This resulted in me reading the bible  in a self-centered way which is what anyone in a prosperity gospel church would do;
 You might also read the bible and think it is meant to speak to your self-esteem but from Genesis to Revelation , the entire scripture is about God who reigns, saves and satisfies his people through covenant, for his glory in Christ. 
Jesus calls us to love our neighbour as our self(Mark 12:31), but this is not a command to love yourself because by default everyone loves themselves, we in fact love ourselves way TOO MUCH. 

Are you trusting in Jesus for salvation or are you coming to him for selfish gain.....?

Saturday 20 July 2019

An Honest letter to Chick-Fil A from an expat

Dear Chick-fil-A

The first time I heard about your restaurant was only 2 years ago on vlog, a You Tuber was going on about how delicious your food was and I bluntly refused to believe you are as good as that vlogger claimed based on my own presuppositions about fast food, it didn't help that you mostly use chicken breast/fillet for your meals (because for as long as i could remember in my family, chicken breast had been given a permanent award for being the worst cut of meat anyone could use in their cuisine). I didn't entertain the idea of tasting your food when I came to America over a year ago because why in my right mind would i want to pay for a fried chicken breast or tiny nuggets when I could cook something better with bones in it in my kitchen?

After being in the US for more than a year I finally succumbed to the societal pressure to eat at one of your restaurants. The first time I went in was with my husband who ordered a spicy chicken sandwich and I copied him and ordered the same exact thing because if I am going to be disappointed,I thought, let me at least be put off by supposedly "one of the best items" on your menu.
When I took my first bite of your sandwich smeared with your special Chick-fil-A sauce my taste buds came to life, my eyes fully opened and suddenly my mood improved, it was euphoric😮aaaand here we are 2 months later. I have been frequenting your restaurant ever since.
see-I am occasionally kind of a food snob so my arrogance delayed our relationship. We could have gone steady a year ago..I digress; My belief about fast food is that any meal you buy should be worth the calories, what i mean by that is; if I am going to gain 100 pounds from eating one meal then the food needs to be worth it by tasting really amazing hence when I eat out I often check the calorie amount on the item I am ordering, but not when it comes to your restaurant...your food is too good for me to concern myself about the scale and after eating it I don't feel like puking(which happens with other fast foods).

Apart from your scrumptious foods😋, you make it an effort to hire staff that is friendly and well-trained. Your restaurants are also clean and don't smell as greasy as most fast-food restaurants do, you seem to understand that no one wants to come out of a dinner date smelling like a french fry.

All I am trying to convey with this letter is, I LOVE YOU CHICK-FIL-A  please keep the standard of your food as high as it is, if not higher and keep your business model the same(Good food, Polite employees, Sabbath day,etc) and I'll keep bringing my appetite and wallet😉.
PS, i'm even thinking of naming an offspring Cathy or Truett one day😂

currently hungry customer

Wednesday 29 May 2019

When Love crosses borders:10 Thoughts on becoming Mrs Johnson

Last year this time I was already 2 weeks into my stay in the United states of America. I was learning to adjust to a lot of things regarding being in this country(which you can read about in my previous blogs)..one of them was suppressing the urge to roll my eyes at anyone who suggested i should pursue a romantic relationship since I was obviously very single, i let most people know i was not here for relationship escapades and I was on some "I'm a strong successful woman who don't need no man" tip😆 , then BOOM!.......fast forward to a year later, I dated and married the love of my life, a real life prince, who happens to be an American and my life is the most exciting its ever been in 27 years haha! 
I have learnt so much about true Christian character, Love and human relationships in the past few months from being with him. I am not a relationship guru(nor do I aspire to be one),I still have a lot to learn in this department but here are 10 of some lessons I've picked up since i got married....like 2 minutes ago.... Can i release my new bestseller book on the art to a happy courtship and marriage now?😂

10. Fighting 

NB!!!!!Beware of the mistaken advice that all couples fight.  In the past years i have had heated, tears-inducing, emotionally draining arguments with either friends or people i was romantically involved with and it always signified relational breakdown because most times both parties were arguing to win and have a final say. In my mind arguing egotistically seemed like the best way to get my point across. My husband and I are not a perfect couple, we do have few things we disagree on but instead of fighting about our differences, we try our best to talk to each other cooperatively. It was the same as when we were dating, we made sure to explain gently  our point of view to the other person whenever we encountered anything that could potentially lead to conflict. It's also easy to resolve conflict because we both don't believe in bickering. This doesn't mean there exists no room to express ourselves to the other person but its nicer to talk with your loved one instead of talking AT your loved one. Love does not insists on its own way. 

9. True love should NEVER be toxic
I feel like i could write a 900-paged-pregnant book about this......Maybe this will be the title of my bestseller?😋At some point in life, by first or second hand experience, you will come across a toxic human being AKA narcissist. If you've never been with a toxic person, chances are...you are the toxic person everyone is trying to avoid, just kidding😂 but one of the ways in which narcissists emotionally manipulative their partners is by asserting their dominance in a relationship by diminishing the other person's sense of self-worth through constant carping (and i don't mean this to say that in relationships/friendships there should never be accountability). e.g If your partner is involved in a pattern of self-destructive, sinful behaviour you can rebuke them in love but i often feel that there is a fine line between healthy criticism/judgement and being toxic. If all someone ever does is attempt to "fix" or coach you about your hair, personality, weight, habits, hobbies,etc. you kinda start to wonder if you are with a Dr Phil 2.0. Nothing takes a hit at your self-esteem like a person who doesn't embrace you for who you are. Most times it's not even about encouraging you to become more like the Lord Jesus Christ, its usually about who the person wants you to morph into, so that you are more likable to them. Love is kind.

8. Monsters-in-Law?
Few years ago i watched this film called Monster-in-Law featuring J-Lo as a soon to be bride whose mother-in-Law doesn't want her in her family, is attached to her fiance and would do anything to see him call off the wedding. This is a dramatized but true reflection of what some women experience in real  life. Maybe there are religious or political reasons that might cause your relationship with your in-Laws to be less harmonious, you never know...but there are times where someone doesn't like you and you have no idea why(perhaps neither do they...some people are forever on a hater mode nje!😆)
The time i personally came across a potential 'monster-in-Law' I convinced myself that "I love them, not their mother", the Will to persevere through that quickly vanished when no matter how much i tried to be my efforts were met with hostility and it didn't help either that i constantly watched how self-sacrificially my mother loves my brothers' significant others. My husband's mother is similar.  I feel that the Lord has blessed me beyond by giving me amazing, kind and pleasant parents-in-Love who treat me as their own. I ❤️ them so much. 
Love always protects

7. True Love waits
Even though I have been a subject of ridicule countless times in my teens and 20's because how i choose not to express myself sexually, i am so humbled that in his mercy the Lord helped both me and my husband to persevere and 'not awaken love before it is ready' first separately as individuals then as a couple despite the many societal pressures. The things that God instructed to be preserved for a marital union must be kept there(this is not only regarding sex), there is greater joy and freedom in obeying God because he made us, he made our bodies and he knows what is best for us. "Lust takes, Love gives"(my dear friend Eden once said). More on this later..in anotherblog or shamshing like dat 
Love does not dishonour others

6. Show me you love me, don't just tell me.
The first time we said that we loved each other was the day we got engaged, so about a month ago,less than half a year of dating...haha! It was the perfect time and i believed it when he said it because in no way had he cheapened the meaning of those three words. I also meant it when i said it. Not that we both didn't know that we loved each other, we were quite aware because of the way we treated one other that by the time we said it, it held a lot of meaning because it was already demonstrated in action. 

5. Where is home?
Before and during our dating relationship. We both had to survey the lifelong implications of an international union. 
South Africa and The United states of America are very far apart, it costs a lot of money,time and mountains of paperwork to attain residency in the US(in any first world country for that matter). For me as the alien here also means living far away from my biological family and relatives, i miss people in Venda, P.E and the other parts of Mzansi. I appreciate the fact that my husband and in-laws leave me enough room to talk freely about my family and country but this, here feels more like Home than any place I've ever lived in. Maybe the cliche saying is true "Home is not a place, it is a person",wherever my bae is, that's home to me.

4. Communication is key, never assume
One of the things i'm picking up as time goes by is learning to communicate well and ask questions whenever i don't understand or i want to convey something instead of leaving the other person to figure out what i'm feeling, jumping into conclusions or overthinking things. My spouse is not a mind-reader which means he cannot know my thoughts unless i offer them to him.

3. Ad break
Do you think i should start a YouTube channel to post vlogs? I have a very close friend who has been bugging me for months to start one but i don't feel motivated and whenever i try to film myself talking to a camera i start feeling weird hahaha. Its easy to watch other people talking to their cameras i guess. What do you think?What would i even say or do? should i vlog food recipes?. Please leave a comment below or on Facebook😑

2. Match made on the gram
We first met on Instagram. I didn't use to think so but It's possible even in the era of catfish,APPARENTLY😃



1. The most important factor is the "G" factor..G=Godliness

Even thought we seem like we have a lot of differences(ethnicity, cultures, nationalities, etc),our core believes about the world stem from the same place(Die Bybel). It is important to share similar values whether we are externally different or not. We live in light of eternity, with the understanding that all our needs are not meant to be met via marriage but that Jesus satisfies the deepest longings of our hearts. All the small joys we experience are nothing compared to the unending ecstasies we will know when we live with our king in heaven,for eternity!
in the mean time we strive to love another as Christ has loved(and still loves) us. 

Wednesday 30 January 2019

What was it like being in South Africa after 7 months?: 10 Things that shocked me

The 14th of May 2018 was the first time i was setting foot on American soil. I remember landing at JFK airport in New York and stepping outside to smell the thin fresh air(i slightly understood right then why they call North America "the free world",the air even smells like freedom hahaha). I remember seeing diversity(and people who grin at each other for no apparent reason), it was a new world for me. There were so many presumptions i had of this beautiful, bountiful country that were either re-affirmed or corrected as months went by. There are a ton of things that are different to South African ones e.g Driving, Measurement system, currency, Public Holidays, traditions around public holidays, general attitudes and behaviours of the people who inhabit this country. Its been a jol partaking in the traditions...!

However delightful the times i was having were, America didn't quite feel like home yet. I was often day dreaming of being in the same vicinity with my mother and siblings and doing life the way i was accustomed to. Perhaps the old popular saying is right "There is no place like home" that is why i decided to visit home after 7 months but i was never ready for the experience i had in the 10 days that i was in South Africa. Here are 10 things that astonished me upon my return to the motherland;

1. Time:
Because of Daylight saving, Seattle is no longer 8, but 10 hours behind  South Africa which is technically the whole day, i struggled to adjust to local time, i was going to bed after 4am every morning which meant stealing a lot of time i could have spent with my family. My internal body clock was way behind which made me groggy and sometimes nauseated during the day. My sweet mother stayed up a couple of times and kept me company while i waited for the clock to send me into a deep slumber. 2 nights before i was supposed to return to the US, my body clock finally adjusted to Mzansi time......it took a while after getting back to Washington to return to a decent sleeping pattern.

2. Language and Accents:
 When i was in college i used to think my english was poor to an extent i wouldn't  feel comfortable speaking it all the time which wasn't a bad thing because there are 10 other languages one can use in South Africa, i am amazed at how easily i got accustomed to speaking English all the time that when i got home(Venda) i was speaking a mixture of English and Tshivenda=Venglish. I got those "uhmmm so you think you are all fancy now with your English" types of look in public. One of my aunts even said i sound American now which is hilarious because in the US i get asked a lot which part of the world i'm from because of my "thick accent". I won't lie, when i was flying from Seattle to Johannesburg via Heathrow, London, the British accent sounded strange and so did the "Boer" accent of the people whom i was in the flight with. The logical explanation is that i am accustomed to hearing a US accent on a daily to an extent where my brain has registered that as a default accent.

3. Driving:
 To everyone's annoyance- whenever i would be a passenger in someone's car or in public transport i would feel as if they are driving on the wrong side of the road or i'd mentally ask them why they are not turning right at the Red traffic lights. i was even terrified when my younger brother suggested i get behind the wheel, i refused because my mind has been programmed to see the right side of the road as the correct side,don't even get me started at getting confused about where the driver's door is.
Traffic lights and road rules are not mandatory in South Africa, they are more of a suggestion whereas in the US people stop if there is pedestrian crossing at a "Zebra" crossing, people don't hoot unnecessarily at cyclists(there are official bicycle lanes in most public roads).

4. Food:

Being in the US has taught me a lot about the philosophy behind food. I had been well aware about the many roles of food in society, eg. Survival, celebration, etc. but being in America has taught me about food epistemology(what people believe about food), what is considered good food, food ethics(is it wrong to eat meat, why people become "militant vegans", how much is it morally right to eat,etc), food technology(GMOs for mass production, processed and unprocessed foods) and the politics involved in food production, distribution and consumption,i think about how strict the customs and border protection crew is in many countries about the types of foods one is allowed to bring into the country. I've learnt how to count calories and nutritional content of different foods.
 As i noted in my previous blogs, this country has a vast amount of food items available on the market-different ways of cooking food but most of it has one common ingredient-CHEESE,which is almost impossible to not indulge in gooey-unhealthy-heart-problems-causing-are-you-gonna-go-to-the-gym-after-eating-that-type-of-meals daily despite my skin's protestations(ereng Acne mo ngwaneng?
😂). There are many food options available for all kinds of diets which was not the case for me when i was home because who is on a Keto diet in Venda? and my family doesn't eat dairy, a lot of sugar, salt or snacks in general. I'd say it was was a clean break from my usual Americanized way of eating. 

5. Internet , Data and access to information technology:

The data struggle was real. South African mobile services are not ashamed to engage in daylight robbery. There wasn't free Wifi in any of the places i went to except the complementary 40mb i got from Menlyn mall in Pretoria. 

Because i had to keep in contact with my friends and one special person, i ended up buying a vodacom simcard, i spent over R500 for data within a week,eek!. Then there were network issues that made the video calls not to be done(Pots reference)

6. Weather patterns: Washington state is cold! Venda is hot!

I landed in Johannesburg on New Year's day in heavy rain but when the bus from JHB to Thohoyandou got to Naboomspruit, it was scorching outside, there was poor ventilation inside the bus. It rained a couple of days i was in Venda and i was thankful to God for the occasional relief from extreme heat aaaand then it went back to what its well known for. I was surprised how slightly intolerant my body has become of the extreme heat, i reckon its because i have hardly experienced a full sunny day since 3+ months ago.

7. Family:

I was shocked to see how much my now 7 year old Nephew(Takalani) has grown-its as if someone was feeding him manure. I couldn't believe that the 3 kg baby that i held few hours after birth was now a full grown man who says things that make sense. Where did time go?. I was surprised that my 2 year old nephew, Vhuhwavho(in the gif above) is now incorporating three languages in a single conversation- not sure he is aware that he is speaking different tongues. Pretoria kids vibes.
My other family members are not quite the same, neither am i. These changes are easy to notice when you been away from each other for an extended period of time. 

8. Distance between the two countries:

Having taken 4 flights(to and from SA) walked me into an epiphany; being in Washington means i am more than 12000km away from home. Last May when i was coming to the US i didn't dread the trip because i didn't have to do a double 22+ hours of flying. I was excited to just get to the other side and be s far away from South Africa as possible. This time it was different, induced by the fact that i hate flying and i'd taken 4 different flight from Seattle to Oklahoma then back the same week, i was running out of my flying forbearance. 50 hours of travel(flying time, layovers, airport check-in times) to get to South Africa proved to be worth it and getting back to Amerika was also worth it. Both countries have people that i care about deeply so whats a 50 hour return trip compared to the heart-warming memories i make with my loved ones? (just getting a panic attack thinking of the heavy turbulence on one of the flights that made me ask why ndi sa dzuli fhasi nahone?!Mitshimbilo hei i do ri vhonisa dzikhakhathi😂)

9. Currency:
 I exchanged some dollars at Berau De Exchange and marveled at the fact that a 20 dollar bill gave birth to 290 South African rand. Although 1 dollar is 14 times bigger, products and goods seemed ridiculously expensive in South Africa because i have now grown accustomed to paying with 5, 10, 20 dollar notes

10. Which country i like best;

Some of my friends ask me which country i love best.. I can honestly say i love both South Africa and United States(it's grown on me...or i just like some people here). I was astonished by how much i experienced some sort of culture shock among my own people. I had a desire to return to the US within few days of being home(please don't tell my mother). I'm appreciative to have been born in a beautiful country like South Africa but to be able to live in another wounderful one like Amerikha is a double blessing.