Thursday 7 April 2016

MUST READ: 9 struggles only Christian students know too well

Being a Christian in your 20s is not easy because at that age you are young and still trying to figure your way through life and perhaps trying to build a future. All students whether Christian or Non-Christian face challenges but its even more difficult for Christians who are attempting to get an education through a circular tertiary institution, this can also extend to the workplace. In a predominantly secular society, trying to hold on to biblical perspectives can be very challenging.

These are some of the struggles I faced and still facing as a Christian student:

1. You are automatically labelled as judgmental

One of the widespread arguments against Christians is that they are judgmental or always trying to impose their views on others, the criticism comes in response to those who openly speak out against lifestyles or behaviors that God judges as sin ( So when you open your mouth to say "I am a Christian" its as if people hear "I'm going to judge you now", Believe it or not, Christians are not as judgmental as you think.

2. Inviting your classmates to church is nerve-wrecking

Because you fear you will be rejected....and rejection hurts

3. When you do door-to-door evangelism at Res people mistake you for a Jehovah's witness
and some wish they could just tell you blatantly that "No one wants your Jesus, now hit the breaks freak!"

4. Other non-Christians think you are just going through a trans

This usually happens when you convert into Christianity while you are already in varsity.
You wish you could just let everyone know that

you in fact love God.

5. You get to meet Professor I-know-everything

Research indicates that 4 in 5 college students will end up in a skeptic/agnostic/liberal lecturer's class. Its even worse if its a Philosophy class. This dude is dedicated to his academic subject and equally dedicated to planting the seed of doubt in his students' minds. Prof's arguments are persuasive on unsuspecting students. If you are unlucky and end up in his class, PRAY hard!

6. You are always portrayed as crazy or hollow on TV

This is important because watching "TV" series and movies is a huge part of the Varsity experience and other students will associate you with those characters regardless of the fact that almost all TV shows and films are not written by Christian film makers.

Think of some of the most entertaining shows on TV such as Grey's anatomy, Scandal, Glee, etc. The Christian characters are always portrayed as socially awkward religious nuts who do weird religious things. One character in particular is Sally Langston(Portrayed by Kate Burton) who is the former Vice president of the United States on Scandal, murdered her husband and claimed the devil made her commit the crime after she discovered he was a sleeping with other men.

 Another interesting character from the 1994 film The Shawshank redemption is Warden Norton(Portrayed by Bob Gunton), at the beginning of the film he is identified as a Christian prison warden who doesn't tolerate blasphemy against God in the prison and urges all new inmates to put their trust in the Lord but near the end of the film Mr Norton is revealed as a corrupt, heartless fraud who embezzled millions of tax dollars from the government.

7. Dating

Contrary to popular belief, Christian students are not emotionless robots, people in church date its just that the foundation for the relationship is Christ.
And can get pretty awkward if things don't work out because the person you dated might be in the same class, campus or Res with you.

8. you battle with how to live out your Christian faith in front of your school mates
 "To pray or not to pray before eating my sandwich at the cafeteria?"

"Will I offend anyone if I say 'Amen' after my presentation?"

"Can I do my devotion on a bus ride to school?"

The battle is real but fight the good fight

9.  Prayer groups get crowded during exams

And i'm not saying people shouldn't join in prayer during exams, its just one of the annoying things when there are 10 students during the course of the year in prayer meetings then 100 in an exam prayer. Like 'where ya'll been the whole term huh?'