Saturday 20 July 2019

An Honest letter to Chick-Fil A from an expat

Dear Chick-fil-A

The first time I heard about your restaurant was only 2 years ago on vlog, a You Tuber was going on about how delicious your food was and I bluntly refused to believe you are as good as that vlogger claimed based on my own presuppositions about fast food, it didn't help that you mostly use chicken breast/fillet for your meals (because for as long as i could remember in my family, chicken breast had been given a permanent award for being the worst cut of meat anyone could use in their cuisine). I didn't entertain the idea of tasting your food when I came to America over a year ago because why in my right mind would i want to pay for a fried chicken breast or tiny nuggets when I could cook something better with bones in it in my kitchen?

After being in the US for more than a year I finally succumbed to the societal pressure to eat at one of your restaurants. The first time I went in was with my husband who ordered a spicy chicken sandwich and I copied him and ordered the same exact thing because if I am going to be disappointed,I thought, let me at least be put off by supposedly "one of the best items" on your menu.
When I took my first bite of your sandwich smeared with your special Chick-fil-A sauce my taste buds came to life, my eyes fully opened and suddenly my mood improved, it was euphoric😮aaaand here we are 2 months later. I have been frequenting your restaurant ever since.
see-I am occasionally kind of a food snob so my arrogance delayed our relationship. We could have gone steady a year ago..I digress; My belief about fast food is that any meal you buy should be worth the calories, what i mean by that is; if I am going to gain 100 pounds from eating one meal then the food needs to be worth it by tasting really amazing hence when I eat out I often check the calorie amount on the item I am ordering, but not when it comes to your restaurant...your food is too good for me to concern myself about the scale and after eating it I don't feel like puking(which happens with other fast foods).

Apart from your scrumptious foods😋, you make it an effort to hire staff that is friendly and well-trained. Your restaurants are also clean and don't smell as greasy as most fast-food restaurants do, you seem to understand that no one wants to come out of a dinner date smelling like a french fry.

All I am trying to convey with this letter is, I LOVE YOU CHICK-FIL-A  please keep the standard of your food as high as it is, if not higher and keep your business model the same(Good food, Polite employees, Sabbath day,etc) and I'll keep bringing my appetite and wallet😉.
PS, i'm even thinking of naming an offspring Cathy or Truett one day😂

currently hungry customer

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