Monday 29 November 2021

A mother's reflection: The first year of Musidzana's life

Today(30th November) marks one year since I have birth to our sweet little girl.....wait..what...has it really been a year already?. It feels surreal. "They grow up so quick"-this is the truest statement I've heard in the past few months. It feels like we just got back from the hospital but in reality my baby is now a toddler, the tiny baby she was is now long gone(who am I kidding, she will always be my tiny little baby..even when she's 50😹). Sometimes when I have her in my arms I still hold her funny forgetting that her neck doesn't need much support. As I watch her daily I often have conflicting feelings; I'm happy to watch her grow and learn all kinds of skills but also sad to see how all the things she can do independent of me(*sobbs uncontrollably*). 

I have cherished everyday of the past 12 months. The early days of staying up all night, singing Venda lullabies and cuddling her when she was crying, staying by her side when she was sick, Seeing her learn how to crawl and say "Dada" +"mama". Every moment has been pure Bliss. 

I love the sound of her baby babbling and how easy it is to make her laugh. She has a very cute laugh/giggle that makes you want to laugh 😹I hope as she grows she will know how much Mom and Dad love her. We cherish the gift from God that she is to us and the rest of our family. so we pray that most importantly she would know that she's loved by the God who made her. 

He has blessed her with incredible beauty. I'm always happy to see how refreshing her presence is to other people but more than anything I pray that my baby girl would be the Proverbs 31:30 woman. I actually explain this verse to her time and time again(that 'Charm is deceitful and beauty is fleeting but a woman who fears the Lord shall be praised'-prov 31:30). I pray that as she grows into a young lady one day she would adorn herself with good deeds("I also want the women to dress modestly, with decency and propriety, adorning themselves not with elaborate hairstyles or gold or pearls or expensive clothes, but with good deeds, appropriate for women who profess to worship God"-1 Timothy 2:9-10)

I can't wait to see what the future holds for my little girl. What will her interests be..What kind of talents(besides melting mama and dada's hearts🥰) has God given her..what kind of foods will be her favourite....