Monday 28 May 2018


It's my second week in the US and I'm slowly getting over the culture shock that i initially experienced when i landed, the different foods and snacks available on the market(none similar to South African ones), i am slowly starting to appreciate part of the American culture while trying hard not to be completely absorbed because i must try by all means, as my friend TK advised; to "remain true to my African roots"(whatever this means😐)

As for my accent remaining the same i don't guarantee. Its funny that i used to wonder so much how my Malawian pal Mwizz ended up with an American accent. At first i thought its something he could put on and off at will but if you spend time with American people in general their accent rubs off on you quickly, i get it now Mwizz. I get it. If i ever made fun of you I'm sorry-i didn't know betterπŸ˜†

I just returned from a 4 day camping trip because its a long weekend (Americans are celebrating what they call Memorial weekend, commemorating all the soldiers who lost their lives on duty in service to their country, why don't we copy this South Africa?) Anyways, our camping trip started Thursday night. Tents pitched outside-we laid our bodies to sleep in the middle of a forest Kilometres away from town. We had no access to showers the whole time or hot water to begin with. The whole experience evoked different feelings. I don't remember if I've ever slept outside in my life , let alone go without showering at least once a day,so i was scared out of my shorts.....other thoughts that crossed my mind; what if i get attacked by an angry bear while sleeping at night..wouldn't that make a trendy news headline?
"An African was mauled by a bear while seeking adventure in the states" at the same time i was excited for the escapade. 
Here i was after a cold night in the tent(i was so tired and a mess)
Preparing breakfast with firewood. Not an unusual thing for this Venda damsel
I tried 'SMORES' for the very first time. Smores(a roasted marshmallow sandwiched between two crackers and a slab of chocolate). The sugar content messed my system up a bit but it was awesome experiencing something new.
Seeing SNOW for the very first time in my life was possibly the highlight of the Camping trip. I couldn't believe my eyes when i saw all this beauty. Randy Alcorn put it nicely when he said "The earth is filled with praise prompters, the new world earth will overflow with them". Imagine if this is what creation looks like when its in bondage and subject to will the renewed one look like in the life to come? (see Romans 8:19-22).
Look at these mountains beautifully drizzled with snow on top. 
What a beautiful earth he has made!

My friend Taffy was making fun of me for this video "When a girl from a village sees snow for the very first time"

I am aware there is probably a part of South Africa that experiences a little bit of snow in winter but I've only stayed in few places and in none of those there was no snow so my excitement was high to see something I've only seen in Hollywood Films. Before this, the closest I'd ever gotten to snow was scrapping ice out of our home freezer.

Except for wearing the same clothes everyday for days in a row, i could say i had fun trying new things out. I'm filled with excitement for future adventures and should the Lord spare me more years, I'm definitely taking my family on adventures like these 😁