Monday 5 February 2018

An Open Letter To My 1-year Old Nephew

Date: 05 February 2018, Cape Town

Dear Nephew,

Right now you are a lot younger to understand the contents of my letter but i'm hoping in few years time you will click on this post and read this letter so that you would know how much auntie loves and Cherishes you. Recently i've been having dreams about us playing together, I miss being around you, feeding you while you are throwing a tantrum ,changing your diapers, you crying for my phone while i'm texting and mostly the way you say "Mma" whenever you need something from me.

I remember holding you when you were just 3 days old and thinking about how I didn't want to drop you or hold you in any improper way because you were just a tiny bundle. Today I still have similar fears when you run around the house because i'm afraid you might bump into something dangerous or when you eat a mango or Simba chip then vomit, that scares me to death because I don't want anything uncomfortable nor bad happening to you.

Know that I love you very much and will always love you, I have since the moment your mom called and told me she was pregnant with you-we cried and cried then laughed and said "yeah, we having a baby!"
Today you are running around and tiring us because no one can match the amount of energy that you possess. I guess we knew what was coming our way when we went to the doctor and found out your gender. I remember that warm day in the city driving to your mom's doctor and us playing the guessing game- I guessed she was pregnant with a girl but she was convinced she would give birth to a boy, after the scan we talked about how we now need to buy footballs, toy guns and  "Ben-10, Spiderman..."(and all the other comic heroes branded) clothing because little boys are into those types of things.

 So far in the past 1 year with you there hasn't been a lot of those, not from our lack of trying but you don't seem to be interested in kiddie toys because you are a child born at the height of technology, why would you play real football when you can play a simulated version of mommy's phone?
Also forgive me for trying to keep you away from the phone and social media-i'm trying to preserve your innocence. The world is a messed up place and sadly you will come to this realisation when you are old enough. But also know that you are loved by God, your parents, grandmommies and the rest of us your family.

May life not wipe away this smile that I love the most. MAY IT LAST.

Your sincerely,
Aunt G

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