Sunday 5 July 2020

90-Day fiance, Cheaters, WWE, Bridezillas,etc: Why Trash TV is extremely addictive

If you don't already know what trash TV is, I'm not going to insult your street cred by asking if you've been living under a rock nor will I assume you don't already participate in the consumption of trashy Television content because almost 90% of modern day Television shows that grip viewers attention are in the form of trash TV. 
Trash tv (noun); Television programming regarded as poor in quality, usually because it relies on sensationalism and titillation to attract an audience. 

Trash TV doesn't require much intellect (or at least assume that viewers bring a high level of intelligence or knowledge to enjoy it). A perfect example of this type of TV programming is The Jerry Springer show (if you have never watched this relentless orgy of humanity's worst impulses you really aren't missing much). I remember watching some episodes of this disturbing show during my late night study sessions when I was in high school. I always assumed that they purposefully put this on a late night slot because most people are too tired, sleepy or worn down to think too much or concentrate hence they would settle for a show that isn't complex or intelligent. 
Even though I always felt depressed after watching any episode of The Jerry Springer show I used to enjoy seeing people yell and beat the mess out of each other for silly reasons, the exact reason I was also hooked on WWE for years before someone told me the fighting is fake. News channels, tabloids and Horror film makers already know our psyche....we love violence and gore hence they capitalize on it. 
Another reason why Trash tv is addictive and popular is because; we love drama, we love gossip  hence a popular TV program like Keeping up with the Kardashians has a large audience. Even though this is not exactly in the form of a talk show like Jerry Springer or The Wendy show, I categorize Keeping up with the Kardashians under trash TV. I think most people would admit that even though they can't resonate with the Kardashian women's lives ; some viewers live vicariously through this TV show, some form strong bonds with the characters on the show and others wish they could also capitalize on their own beauty (real or artificial) instead of waking up every morning to go to a 9-5 job that pays peanuts with an insufferable boss who is always on their tail. Above all, TV shows like this trend because of the exaggerated romance, relational woes, personalities or the celebrity status of the characters themselves. Can you believe reality TV stars are considered celebrities?-To be fair there are some who have earned the title but most have contributed little to arts, quality entertainment and pop culture. 
Trash TV is addictive because it provides an escape from the real world . Viewers get sucked into the make-believe world that the TV characters exist in. For some people it is better seeing drama in other people's lives on screen while appreciating that your life isn't as messed up as those other people's and for others it is nice seeing characters they are rooting for falling in love and living their happily ever afters.. (hello Love is Blind fans!?) And me? I don't particularly enjoy trash TV so much anymore. I used to have a love-hate relationship with most reality TV shows, some I hated so much that it drew me to watch them and every time I either lost some brain cells or resent the characters even more (which made me watch the next episodes to see how the characters I disliked turned out). I already suspect the producers of these TV shows know that some viewers are hate-watching.

My decision to limit watching trash TV is based on my conscience. I notice the impact that trash TV or most modern TV shows for that matter, do to me i.e I'm always left with more craving for gossip and controversy instead of focusing my attention on reading the word of God, repenting of my sins, fellowship with other believers and spending time with friends/family. Even though TV is a good medium of communication and a window through which we see the world, as believers we need to constantly examine whether the TV shows we watch further our understanding of the world and the culture around us rather than giving us just a thrill or craving for ungodliness. 

"So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God" (1 Corinthians 10:31)