Tuesday 17 May 2016

A poor girl's travel plan: Why i hate flying, Why busses are underrated

DISCLAIMER: this applies only on domestic flights not international

Let me start of by saying: "i hate flying! ", to those who enjoy being in planes that statement might sound absurd but those who have been in bad flights are probably going "me too, me too".

I had my first flight was with Mango airlines from OR Tambo international airport to Port Elizabeth airport in January 2015

, it was an enjoyable ride yet scary at the same time. In my teens I'd watched a lot of Flight crash investigations on Dstv. That, coupled with the knowledge that anything man-made is not perfect, made me so scared to fly.
I travelled on the road to varsity. The buses from Pretoria to Port Elizabeth made me feel safer despite the fact that there are more reported road accidents than there are plane crashes in South Africa.
my hatred of flying is not merely the result of FEAR...yes I admit that airplanes terrify me, but the aversion is not coming from getting that funny drop feeling in my stomach right after take off or feeling like the plane is going to fall during turbulence. Its the logistics that are involved in the flying experience [which starts right the moment one books the ticket to landing safely at a desired destination] that makes me dread taking a flight.

While flying might be a wonderful experience for the 'bourgeois' or a quicker way to get to a place for the impatient ......Here are 3 reasons why flying is my least favorite option:

1. Cost: Its usually expensive
 Although there are often specials on airlines like Mango, flySAfair, Kulula, etc. I ,personally find flying to be an expensive way to travel. Some airlines whose names I won't mention lure you with a small airfare but will charge you for checked baggage, airport taxes, extra legroom and whatnot, you will end up paying more than what they advertised whereas with a bus, what you see is what you pay for!

Since some South African airports are situated in secluded areas, getting there requires a Gautrain, shuttle or lift which is an added cost. Getting someone to pick me up from the destination airport is a cost either for me or the other person. I hardly experience the same hassle while taking a bus because bus stations are often situated at central business districts where the public transport system is.

2. Process: Booking, Paying, Check-in, bag drop-off, boarding, etc

The thought that being in something that creatively designed is thrilling yet anyone rarely mentions the process one has to go through to finally sit inside the airplane.
When I travel by bus, all I do is- get to the bus station, take my bag to the baggage compartment, then sign in with my ticket through the bus attendant, takes a minute or so. Its a different experience with flying where I have to book the ticket, sign in and drop my luggage 1h30m and 45mins before the flight takes off. Then I have to board the gate usually 30 mins before take off. The endless security lines are stressful and tedious.

Then upon landing I still have to walk into the airport and wait for my luggage by the baggage carousel at the same time, pray that none of my bags with important personal goods go missing

3. Experience: Time and convenience
While flying saves time, bus travels are for the adventurous at heart- a domestic flight will take you from point A to B without a layover, while the clouds up there makes you see the greatness of God in his creative genius, busses also offer the same, you get to see God at work as you pass towns, houses of all kinds and cities with history, people, culture and so much life!

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