Thursday 20 August 2015

#TBT:Series that made SOUTH AFRICA's TV

So I have gotten a lot of criticism for criticizing Television so much, some people read my posts and assume I am a negative person all together, which I am but its not the point in this case....I humbly apologize to those whose feels were squashed and to Mfundi Vundla, whom without having created a bad shows I wouldn’t have content for my blog. Although I critically analyze mainly bad things about TV Shows, I do enjoy watching good Television.

South Africa’s film and Television industry has evolved over the years, especially in terms of themes used to fabricate the story lines, it is interesting to see what creative arts people come up with every now and then especially within a post-colonial context.

 Shows come and go, some we forget, some leave marks in our hearts (No, I am not talking about Generations!.. Mfundi wishes). I watch contemporary TV shows and feel uninspired so here are some of the score(20 years) defining shows that Blessed South African Television. some have already made some comebacks



1.    Soul Buddies


This is by far my favorite South African show. If you watched this while growing up you will remember the diverse youth group comprising of Zandi, Siya, Karabo, Jerome, Avril, Praveena, Duma, Hamilton, etc. that was more like a beacon of hope for our rainbow nation. The show revolved around the youngsters' coming of age in a post-apartheid South Africa, it addressed various issues that are challenging the contemporary South African society such as AIDS, unemployment, bullying, gangs, gaps in Social classes, issues about the environment, HIV-Aids, sexuality, racism and xenophobia, learning disabilities, children's rights and justice.

2.    Velaphi Mjongeni

Velaphi is an early 90s South African comedy starring Ray Ntlokwana, as Velaphi, who plays the part of a messenger for a print and advertising company.
Although South African might have Trevor Noah, Loyiso Gola and Chester Missing (the Puppet) as some of our stand-up comedians, we do suck at Situational comedy (Sitcom). Before City Sesla and Moferefere lenyalong came into the scene, Velaphi was KINDA good. KINDA. For me, language was a strong barrier but I did enjoy watching the clumsy, Melo-dramatic tea lady Nandi, she was entertaining.

3.    Lesilo rula

I strongly believe (Insert writer’s name) might have had a disturbing childhood which he put to good use. Lesilo was a comedy-drama based on Raitlhwanwa ’s life experiences who was acquainted with a disturbing ghost from a cemetery, every time he wants to manipulate a situation to his advantage he would call on “Lesilo” through a whistle –like object he ties around his neck, Lesilo who would then come to his rescue. One time he couldn’t afford a meal at a restaurant, Raitlhwanwa  asked Lesilo to steal meat from other people’s plates. I thought this Horror series was more funny than scary. Gareth Cliff mentioned to Somizi on Idols that he loved watching the show as a kid, that must count for something right?

4.    Molo fish

It had nothing to do with fish  ಠ_ಠ arrg!

It examined the lives of the black peoples of this country during the chaotic years
of imposing apartheid. Apartheid was so “grand” that even black people were subdivided into “nations”, while white people were perceived to have remained one whole entity irrespective of their different European roots. The series looks at the politics of the time, focusing on “the big divide” of nationalities in South Africa into Coloureds, Africans, Indians and Whites, and how people crossed over into the different classifications - Africans became Coloured to live a better life, while fair
skinned Coloureds moved into the White world.
The story is told in flashbacks through the mind of a Coloured South African political refugee living in Canada, where he is married to a White Canadian. As a youngster, he grew up in a coloured area of Johannesburg with his coloured parents, but his grandmother lived in an African township reserved for Africans.

5.    Ke bona boloi

Not the Hollywood glamourized version of witchcraft

The name being controversial itself, Ke bona boloi (loosely translates to ‘I see witchcraft’) presented a controversial topic in the African society, that of witchcraft. In a small rural area, dark skinned old women were accused of being involved in witchcraft practices, they were then yoked with car tires around their necks together as one they where burned to death in front of the whole community. The show received negative reception from black South Africans, especially those residing in rural areas where most old innocent women were being targeted as objects for witch-hunts. The show was cancelled eventually. I enjoyed watching, although I was still young and not able to critically analyze the show, it interesting how as black South Africans are still governed by the idea that BLACK represents evil, witchcraft (there is no white magic right?)

6.    Yizo Yizo

Who can forget Ronnie(Cosmo) or Zola as Papa action, before he was "a fallen celeb"(He is hosting Utatakho on Mzanzi magic, suck on that Haters!), Chester who bite huge apples with his forced blonde hair, Hazel, Bobo, Nomsa ,Thiza and the rest of the high school learners?, The show focused on a Johannesburg township secondary school learners(who looked way too old to still be in high school. But it’s none of my business) dealing with Gang violence, Gang rape,  Murders, drug abuse etc.

7.    Bophelo Ke semphekgo

I strongly feel Duma KaNdlovu might have copied one of the main plots of this show to Muvhango, the Love triangle between Matete, Nkwesheng and Senthaolele. Redone through the Love triangle between Thandaza, Edward and Doobsie and Mfundi Vundla didn't want to miss out as well, he brought the triangle between Kenneth Mashaba, Dineo Mashaba and Kenneth's son Thomas, but Mfundi pushed the cart to creepyville when Dineo later dated Kenneth's brother-Paul Mashaba. I Bophelo ke Semphekgo was my mother’s favourite show. I watched it by extension. I found it awesome.
The Catfights, Love triangles, Mothers-in-law and not to forget that Our beloved Seputla Sebogodi(Kenneth Mashaba on Generations) came into the scene as  the promiscuous Nkwesheng, a role that was previously played by Patrick Shai.


8.    Home affairs

Sometimes actresses like Brenda Ngxoli really deserve a standing ovation. No, she deserves an Oscar. She won my heart while acting on Home affairs as Vuyo, a sister to a troubled teenager, Buli, who stays at a township shack with their alcoholic mother, while Brenda goes through varsity and life as a victim of unfortunate circumstances. The series also tells the story of other different women whose lives are interconnected, the story reflect the wide cultural range of South African women. The women each undertake a journey of self-discovery, connecting with each other in various and random ways.  


9.    Sokhulu and Partners

Sokhulu&Partners explores all aspects of the South African constitution and bill of rights and how they look in practice, it revolves around the lives of three partners in a law firm who help clients who have  been unfairly treated. I wasn’t a super fan of this show but only liked it because it gave us a glimpse into how the South African legal system operates. Its also nice to see something local and not AMERICAN like Law and Order or Boston legal(No offense to Americans but with the Americanization of South African going on, you can see why I root for shows that portray our daily realities as a country)


10. Backstage

 A youth-soap opera in which kids from different backgrounds in South Africa come to a
college of performing arts in downtown Johannesburg.

The story follows a variety of characters as they experience the trials and tribulations of performers all trying to be the best in the performing arts sector.  Besides college and the pressures it brings, the story also revolves around the personal life of the students dealing with love, passion and betrayal throughout the plot.
I only got hooked on watching Backstage during the times of Gammy the gangster, Ziggy who had a twin, Coco, Luyanda , etc. it bored me along the way (but still 10 times a better show than Generations the legacy)

11. Gaz'lam

Gazlam was an educational drama series that explored love, sex and relationships against a backdrop of HIV/AIDS.

12.  Soul City

HIV/AIDS…why is it that all South African shows include this particular theme?

Why we NO have something that has to do with Vampires, Werewolves...all those artefacts? jk,South Africans wont buy into a mystic show without the Tokoloshe. This show is still relevant for contemporary South Africa,  a country that has an alarming growth of HIV/AIDS and teenage pregnancy, you would think the government would fund shows like these to educate the public about HIV/AIDS. But No! What do we get? Generations the legacy…sad, really.

13. Muvhango (Before it sank at the Boringshows ocean)

Don’t act like you didn’t know I was going to include and conclude with a “Venda” show. I can’t write much on this one, if you need to read more on why it was one of the best shows in the past, read my last post here Muvhango is sinking!

 Thanks for reading 😊

Tuesday 4 August 2015

Muvhango is sinking!



You need to understand that this is the hardest post I have written, not only because I am Venda and feel like I am against my culture’s participation and advancement in modern day TV. But also because I grew up watching Muvhango. My family and I watched it from the Pilot episode so there is a sense of patriotism, but even the shows that we love so dearly tend to grow dull and storylines get boring, this can often hurt especially after investing time, emotions and TV license bills to these shows. Wait do people really pay their TV license?


Today, I can’t watch an episode of Muvhango without getting bored and drifting. (if you read my previous post about Generations the forced legacy I commended Muvhango for minimum amount of SLNV but whatever, doesn’t mean it’s a great show still)

But like all romantic flings, It started off well

Lets go down the memory lane, that’s all we have remaining, just memories..

80% of the characters were Tshivenda speaking. It started with Mashudu Mukwevho(Paul Mafela) as the one time leading character who introduced some of the beloved leading characters i.e Azwinndini, Lambani, Vho-Maswigiri, Vho-Mukondeleli, Vho-Makhadzi and also the other 20% who were mainly Sotho speakers i.e Catherine, Doris, Malome Tshepo etc. This was an awesome thing to watch; Venda people being given a voice and face on national television which was rare back then. If you watch the show and compare it to the pilot episode, you wouldn’t recognize it, its evolved into Ke bona boloi or Bophelo ke semphego, even the venda characters now speak Sesotho, Sepedi..Ndalamo, Rendani , Hangwani, Gundo, where did the casting manager find those venda people? In Diepkloof?

Vho-Maswigiri with Borosi and Ntakuseni

It was edutainment at first, originally focused the tensions between the traditional Mukwevho family and the Mokoena family who are western orientated. Mashudu was in a polygamous marriage with Vho-Masindi and Catherine, with both wives oblivious to that fact, when he passed on the whole story focused on the fight for Chieftaincy, Educating people about the divine right of chiefs, rituals around funerals, weddings, birth, etc. Today the writers have strayed from that idea. Its now all about competition between two wheat, construction companies(I don't really know what they do), I can’t write enough how much I hate this recycled crap. Duma borrowed it from Mfundi, boys pleaseeee..


It also focused on the oral tradition of the Vhavenda people and some traditional practices, not exaggerated myths like the traditional doctor Mulimisi turning into a splash of water and Chief Azwinndini turning into lion. I can’t mention enough what damage these horrendous portrayal of my culture is doing to our already tarnished reputation as a strange and mystical culture, the effect it has on naïve non-venda audience.
I’m having to constantly defend my people. Television is the window through which we view the world and this window broadcasting Muvhango is blurry, big time. Someone please get Duma Ka Ndlovu some glass scrubbers.

The guy who plays Vhangani portrayed the role of Azwinndini in the pilot episode few years later was recast as Vhangani, the Chief’s side kick.

For those who came late to the party, one way Muvhango insults our intelligence is by replacing people to play the same character, I don’t know about you, I get attached to good acting but I can accept it if my favourite character dies what is unacceptable is when one character is played by 9 different people. So Azwinndini wasn’t portrayed Gabriel Temudzani, Edward was Glen Lewis(The Pedi-Venda snob), Vhangani wasn’t always Ramunenyiwa whats his face?. Doobsie was replaced twice, first by Khanyi Mbau and then by Khabonina Kubekha, i'm glad they finally honoured the late Lindiwe Chibi’s legacy and scratched Doobsie off. What kind of name was Doobsie anyways? It did reek trouble, well done Duma on this one.

Still on the character side of things, both families had an outspoken, dominating figure, Vho-Maswigiri aka Vho-Ratshitanga and Doris Mokoena. These two were really captivating to watch.


No bad deed escapes the eye of the Magistrate court in Muvhango. In other words..too much Magistrate courts.
I remember in one of the earliest episodes of the show when Vho-Maswigiri/Vho-Ratshitanga (R.I.P Tendani Mukwevho, true Legend) was shaming Gizara and Borosi on why Mashudu’s burial is delayed “hee hee ro imela mukhuwa, hee hee ro imela Khothe, ndi nonsontse!!”(its nonsense waiting for a white man or the magistrate court). That man tried to warn us not to get involved with courts and all…. I will agree to the fact that this has dialed down recently since Kkomotso's case, although I would have loved to still see the Chief still represented in resolving Civic cases not just his family matters, after all what are chiefs there for if not to manage their rural community?

And lastly! No yellowbones in Venda? Sies Muvhango!!! This drama had us believe there are no light-skinned women in the entire tribe....but Vhafuwi's "original" mother was a yellowbone! lol...(the woman sitting behind her is Vho-Sarah, Gizara's estranged wife, who was also a yellowbone)
I am still gonna watch, to criticize ofcourse ;-)
Overall, thanks to Duma KaNdlovu for putting Venda on the map. now its only 5 minutes to drive from Gauteng to Thohoyandou(according to Muvhango)
Thanks for reading guys!