Sunday 23 November 2014

15 Most annoying phrases

1. "Are you on your period?"
Guys please, just because a girl is angry doesn't mean she is on her period, because if thats the case when you are sleeping she has the right to assume you are dead and bury you in the backyard.

2. "You are so black"
I hate this expression! Whenever a black person doesn't know how to hold fork&knife, how to play a guitar, how to swim, or know something common, they are often condemned with the expression "you're so black" because black is associated with being less intelligent?
3. "If its meant to be, its meant to be"                                                                                                      
If fact #1 is true, then fact #1 is true. This falls under the "YOU ACTUALLY JUST SAID NOTHING" category
4. "I wanna talk to you"                                                                                                                            

This a 5-word sentence but it can make you think of every bad thing that you have ever done in your life. It becomes even more annoying when you realize the person only wanted to borrow money or return a calculator. dang! You made me anxious for nothing.
5. "Be like"                                                                                                                                          

When did we replace "Said" with "Be like"? Well done internet, i'm not worried about the legacy  we are leaving our children. well done.
6. "Just sayin"                                                                                                                                         

Oh, how Enlightening. Thank you for clarifying that the thing you just said is the thing you are saying. very appreciated.
7. "Think outside the box"                                                                                                                   

                                                                             Where is this box that managers, lecturers and strategic planners keep talking about? i am surely missing something here.

8. " With all due respect"

Almost always coupled with an insult or unwelcomed advice, this phrase is the smart way to say, "prepare to be disrespected but you  are not get angry or to take it personally although it is obviously personal" e.g "With all due respect, i cheated on you" "with all due respect, you are fired" "with all due respect, i am not attracted to humans anymore"

9. "Bosso Ke mang?"
This one owes its existence to South African Sotho and Tswana people. The term "Bosso ke mang" loosely translates "Who is the boss?" but before you scratch your head trying to come up with an answer, its actually a rhetoric question. The phrase is mostly used as a caption on pictures e.g Graduation pictures, First car, first house, first wedding ring, etc. Strangely, the people who use this phrase have never owned and managed a company, never finished University( struggling with 2 major modules for the last 5 years) but they have the decency to ask "bosso ke mang?"

10. "Ke december boss"

Also coined by the Sotho people of South Africa(They are the ones ruining local internet)... Thanks for the revelation guys. I thought we were still in July hey. Incase there is anyone using the viking calendar, the year is 2015, December.
11. "I , Myself, personally"                                                                                                                       

Thanks for speaking on behalf of your other 2 dopplegangers. when a person uses this expression all i hear is "I, I, I" it sounds like a broken record
12. "you know"                                                                                                                                    

No i do not know what goes in that sick twisted mind of yours. This is one confusing expression, is it a question or a statement?
13. "Literally"                                                                                                                                       

Should mean "figuratively". Because It makes so much sense to "literally explode" or "literally die" right? .....Come on internet, we are better than this.
14. "That's gay!"                                                                                                                                      

Lets not give homosexuals that much credit, they don't deserve it. not every nice, interesting or bogus thing is gay. You can try saying that is "weak" "stupid" or "too flamboyant"
15. YOLO                                                                                                                                              

This is by far the dumbest expression i have everheard. it is mostly used as an excuse for doing something selfish, irresponsible or stupid. it wins the trophy!

Before you speak or act foolish, remember YODO(You Only Die Once) too, and before Drake told you to seize the moment, did you think you lived twice?

Sunday 9 November 2014

10 Television shows that have overstayed their welcome

Some of these shows used to be my favourite. Some of these are the best in the history of Television. But lets face it, at some point, even the most creative writers/directors run out of creativity. here are 10 shows that seriously need to take a hike. there are a lot more but lets just keep it at 10...[Word to those who are still hooked: MOVE ON!]

1. Generations 

One of the most viewed tv shows in South Africa, the hit show made its debut in 1994. with all the drama, diverse characters and almost impossible story-lines, Generations managed to keep its audience hooked from day 1. who can forget Archie Moroka, the ruthless Ngamla, the formidable Karabo Moroka, Tau faking his death, Noluntu Memela spiking her mother's tea? many talented actors have acquired great recognition through this TV show but its grown dull, the story lines became predictable. I wish during these few weeks that the show is off air Mfundi Vundla could announce the show is going for good..but oh well..

2. The Vampire Diaries

At some point The vampire Diaries used to be my favourite show. I wanted to be a vampire too..(just kidding) but it was a great show. it started off simply with humans(and  doppelgangers ), witches, werewolves and  vampires. Then the story lines got complicated and Predictable, Elena is always whining, they added Travelers, hybrids, the brotherhood of the five, ghosts, Vampire hunters, and most  unacceptable thing they did:  Caroline and Klaus fathom was left disappointed at the end of season 4-5. Thank you for nothing Julie Plec, you can kiss my laptop screen!
3. Days of our lives 
I don't need to spend too much time explaining why this one needs to bid our TV screens farewell. This soapie has been on air since my grandmother was in kindergarten, ok exaggeration, its been on since 1965, Yesterday (November 08, 2014) Days of Our lives celebrated its 49 year anniversary (12 460 episodes). Its time Bo&Hope bid our tv screens goodbye

4. The Bold and The Beautiful

This should have been the first one on the list  This show needs help. No good characters, no storyline, no character development, no character integrity, no storyline consistency with history of the show, simply lazy writing. Same triangle nonsense with same scene day in day out. Story line story line where art thou?? Be it a beginning, be it a middle, even an end. Storyline you are missed, there is chaos, despair and a whole lot of mess. Oh storyline please don't hide, storyline where art thou, please come out and shine. i am sick and tired of a show with immortal characters, ok they are not immortal but  Ridge Forrester and Brooke Logan haven't aged a day since this show made its debut in 1987.  I'm sick of their perfect faces.

5. Two and a half men

Lets be honest for a second: the humor of this show lived and died with Charlie Sheen, worst mistake firing him and replacing him with Ashton Kutcher ( don't get me wrong, he is good to look at but..), he is not a Charlie.. #bringbackourCharlie until then, goodbye two and a half wannabees..

6.  The Big Bang Theory
A little brother to Two and a Half men, this show was produced by the same guy who created  #5. well done Chuck Lorre for keeping us glued to our tv screens for years, but I am typing this one with tears in my eyes. how can something so good become this dull? for the first time in years i yawned and slumbered while watching an episode of The big bang theory. i remember i could watch the same episode 5 times and still find every joke funny. now i'm just like "Meh"...Sheldon is the best comic relief in the history of situation comedy but the entire show'storyline has been rather disappointing for the past 2 years, Sheldon getting a girlfriend, Howard getting married, Raj learning how to speak to women and Leonard getting engaged to Penny..big mistakes....Bye.

7. Girls                                                                                                                                                    
This is probably one of the worst shows on Television. I thought it was going to be addressing issues facing modern day girls, instead its a show with a lazy plot, excessive nudity(Game of Thrones need to leave too for this reason...don't kill me GOT fans), incoherent subplots and a talent-less cast, combination for boredom! I am still shocked the show is returning for its 4th season in 2015,I'll wait for your downfall "girls"..i'll wait..
8. 2 Broke girls                                                                                                                                     
Ok maybe  we girls just need to stop being on Tv..i don't know..but whatever it is, 2 broke girls need to go...i loved Max and Caroline's witty personalities, but one can only laugh so much....we know the girls are  gonna be broke till the show ends(thanks for naming it '2 broke girls') and the jokes are not as funny...

9. Under the dome                                                                                                                               
This is the most annoying on the list...i wanted to gouge my eyes out after watching one episode.... for those who haven't watched this show; DON'T ATTEMPT. "Under the Dome tells the story of the residents of the small town of Chester's Mill, where a massive, transparent, indestructible dome suddenly cuts them off from the rest of the world. With no Internet access, no mobile signals and limited radio communication, the people trapped inside must find their own ways to survive with diminishing resources and rising tensions. While military forces, the government, and the media positioned outside of this surrounding barrier attempt to break it down, a small group of people inside attempt to figure out what the dome is, where it came from, and when (and if) it will go away"(Wikipedia)


                      the moment that made the show was a cow splitting in half after being hit by a dome(pilot episode- first 10 minutes).....aaaaaaaaaaand THAT WAS IT!..

10. Grey's anatomy                                                                                                                        
my view on this one is still pending, i'm not saying this is a bad show, but letting Christina Yang (Sandra Oh) go was the worst mistake they ever made, sure i was mad when they killed off George O'Malley, let Preston Burke go and brought Alex Karev an annoying girlfriend, but letting Yang go is beyond forgivable. i'll still watch with the hope that Yang will come back.... #BringBackYang