Tuesday 14 October 2014

20 Things i learnt in Varsity

                             20 Things I learnt in Varsity

-Google is a better teacher than your lecturer

-A 15 paged assignment can be started and finished 5 hours before it is due

-Chick flicks lied; the nerd doesn’t get the famous girl, the geek girl doesn’t take off her specs and become 10x hotter than previously thought

-2am is the new 10pm

-A day in a life of student means snoozing the alarm, getting late for class, complaining in class about being tired after doing nothing all day, procrastinating assignments and process repeated

-Exhaustion and Hunger are not bodily sensations anymore, they are personality traits. Everyone is always tired and hungry for some reason

-Signing the register is more important than the lecture itself

-You can actually sign the register in absentia- what are other students there for anyways?

-Noodles are a staple diet: Every student is familiar with the 6 different Noodles flavours(which all taste like poverty and tears of small children)

-The first 5 years of a 3-years degree are the hardest

-Nobody cares about your high school past(if you were smart, talented or won an Oscar then,

good for you)

-The high school dumbs or retards somehow become smart and hardworking

-The high school innocent or brainies become drunkards or dropouts

-The game has changed, there is a high level of Series binging than binge drinking-students are not “one episode per week” kind of a people, we are the “one season per day” kind

-No one gives attention to flashy things anymore, there is no better way to say “I should still be in high school or I’m going through puberty” than wearing a pair of Levi’s jeans with a Nike shirt (visible tick) and Addidas tekkies, yack!

-A shady Res or House with uncapped Wi-Fi is more desirable than one with armed security guards

-Wi-Fi is a basic need, more important than food and Bacon..

-A laptop is a student card, if you don’t have one how are you registered as a student, how are you going to series binge and access unlimited Wi-Fi? Oh and Assignments (not so much, well..)

-Students are ignorant and stereotypical! If you are studying If you are studying Media like me, every person who isn’t doing Media will ask you if you are going to be on Generations(I don’t do drama and performing arts so NO!) and if you are from Venda you will definitely be asked if you know Vhafuwi (Azwinndini on Muvhango)

- you will miss home like mad! WRONG! You will not miss home as much as you think. Actually, your family will not miss you as much as you think. The week leading up to me starting Varsity was filled with tears and hugs from family members, promises to keep contact. Uhmm ya, you will enjoy varsity to a point you don’t want to go home ever again and when you do, your family would have developed a psychological disposition that doesn’t include you, you will watch them do stuff and go places without you.

Wednesday 1 October 2014

20 Random Facts about me

1. I am a Christian(Saved sinner who is living by God's grace, Jesus is Lord over my life)

2. My name Gudani loosely translates to "Learn", in Xhosa i am called "Nomfundo", in Sotho i am "Thuto"

3. I am left-handed (shout out to all the lefties out there)

4. I am half extrovert, half introvert. sometimes i am energized by being around other people and most times i prefer being alone

5. I believe i am 100% Venda(by virtue of being born and raised in Venda)

6. I have about  ±15 bestfriends,i love all my close friends equally

7. I am highly sensitive. i feel joy, fear, grief or sorrow 40 times more than an average human being

8. My Favourite food is BACON(i wish i was stuck in a room made of bacon and had to eat my way out)

9. I find almost everything funny. i don't think everything is a joke but i usually just find humor in most situations. its not my fault, i was born this way. ha!

10. I love comfy clothes(tracksuits, sweatpants, big hoodies, ugg boots)

11. I hate wearing foundation, i love makeup but foundation is the worst thing for me, it makes my face look spooky!

12. I love African films, its a priviledge to actually study something related to it

13. I had my left side wisdom teeth pulled out which means i have 3 missing teeth in my mouth, soon to be 5.. :-(

14. I have never been in love

15. I was bullied alot in primary and secondary (well i also bullied others)

16. I am fluent in 3 South African languages(Tshivenda, English, and Sesotho ), i have a partial understanding of Sepedi, isiXhosa and Setswana. very fancinated by languages

17. I don't have relatives. i know people who i'm related to by blood but thats it, no connections or whatsoever..Khumbulekhaya please help

18. I love seeing old-aged couples holding hands, its the best thing ever, gives me hope

19. I love baking!

20. I am lactose intolerant(but i love baking with milk-won't stop living my life)