Sunday 22 December 2013

Finding a Bible-believing church

          Finding a bible believing church!

2 and a half years ago(January 2011) i decided to study Media at Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University in Port Elizabeth. when i got there i was very frustrated because i couldn't find a church whose preaching and singing style i could relate to. i found a small old church next to the student accommodation place i was renting, it was full of English speaking people, white people to be precise. i  couldn't relate very well with most of them as they were older and from a different race. I went to the church for 6 months then got tired of not fitting into the church. I stayed in my room every Sunday for the remaining 5 months of my academic year, i felt that i was drifting away spiritually but to take off the guilt i consoled myself with the idea that i just don't fit in with them anyways.

In February 2012 i met Pastor Kyle Barrow and his wife Jenna on the line while registering for my 2nd year modules, both of them were very warm and friendly , Jenna invited me to join them at one of their services the following day. I decided to go to church(Word of life) with Jenna in the morning, when i got there everybody was warm and friendly, i have never felt that kind of joy being in the presence of other believers. the first few Sundays i thought the singing and preaching was quite simple and not evoking emotions because i was not accustomed to hymms and people not screaming. After a month of attending the services and weekly bible study my life changed completely. 

My eyes began to open up and i started enjoying studying the word and being more interested in knowing more about Jesus. i accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior 5 years prior to that experience, but i never had the opportunity to explore the life and ministry of Jesus, the wisdom that came through studying the word in depth and praying everyday, for me Christianity was more of a trophy cup(Good looking but never put into good use). For those 5 years i never read the scriptures to find Jesus, it was all for selfish ambition.ME.ME.ME. a brother in Christ Tlholo Tshepo Modiba once wrote on his Facebook "I suppose you can read that verse that says "I am fearfully and wonderfully made" and think that it's meant to primarily speak to your self esteem. But way I figure, verses that are written about us are actually suppose to reveal glorious truths about our Creator more than anything" Amen to that!!! anyways, that is my testimony of how i found this church which preaches the bible and its promise of the future grace, nothing about Material gain or Prosperity or succeeding at things that don't really matter. i've grown spiritually in the past 2 years that i have been in this church more than i did in the first 5 years. Thank God that i am being equipped into knowing how to defend the faith (in a liberal university currently).

Thank you Lord for opening my eyes to the true Gospel, and i pray that God would raise more and more people who will desire to know more of him and impact the nations with the true message of Jesus Christ our Lord. I pray for the planting of Christ-centered churches in our country. 

Love, Gudy